Reshaping the Study of Sociology
Environmental Sociology Events at ASA 2019 in New York

Environmental Sociology Events at ASA 2019 in New York

Greetings all! Here are all of the official Environmental Sociology Section events taking place at the ASA meeting in August—we have a fantastic lineup. I am also listing here several other sessions that section members will be interested in—I apologize for any I have missed. I look forward to seeing you all in New York!

– Jill Lindsey Harrison, Chair-Elect of ASA Environmental Sociology Section

Sunday, August 11 is our section day, and we have a jam-packed day of section-sponsored events:

8:30-10:10am: Section paper session: “Taking Stock of Environmental Sociology: Trends, Strengths, Silences, and Innovative New Research Directions.” Papers include: “Recasting Treadmills of Production and Destruction: New Theoretical Directions” by Gregory Hooks and colleagues; “When Environmental DNA Confronted its Dual Nature: Refining Environmental Sociology’s Engagement with Natural Science” by Jordan Fox Besek; “Gender, Motherhood, and Feminism in Environmental Activism and Leadership” by Elicia Cousins; and “When Data Justice and Environmental Justice Meet: Responding to Extractive Logic through Environmental Data Justice” by Lourdes Annette Vera and colleagues. Michael Bell will be discussant.

10:30-11:30am: Section roundtables (21 of them!)

11:30am-12:10pm: Section business meeting (all are welcome and encouraged to attend)

12:30-2:10pm: Section paper session: “Environment, Oppressions, and Justice I.” Papers include: “How Does Colorblind Racism Shape Environmental Inequalities? Examining Race and Pollution in Brazil” by Ian Robert Carrillo; “To Build a Home: Everyday Placemaking in a Toxic Neighborhood” by Maricarmen Hernandez; “What is Green Racism? Explaining Green Racism Through American Environmentalism” by Samantha Fox; and “An Intersectional Ecology of Lead Exposure: Complex Environmental Health Vulnerabilities in the Flint Water Crisis” by Raoul Liévanos and colleagues.

2:30-4:10pm: Section paper session: “Environment, Oppressions, and Justice II.” Papers include: “Environmental Injustices in Immigrant Detention: How Absences Are Embedded in the NEPA Process” by Michelle Edwards and colleagues; “Intersections of Race, Waste, and Space in the Production of Environmental Injustice” by Lindsey Dillon; “Settler Colonialism, Racialized Socioecological Relations, and the Dispossession of Narragansett Land in Rhode Island” by Michael Warren Murphy; and “Who Had To Die So I Could Go Camping?”: Colonial Ecological Violence, And Solidarity” by J.M. Bacon. David Pellow will be discussant.

6:30-8:30pm: Section reception, held jointly with the Section on Animals and Society, to be held offsite at Ascent Lounge, 10 Columbus Circle, 4th Floor.

Other environment-related ASA paper sessions:

Sat, August 10
8:30 to 10:10am. Scorched Earth: Climate Change, Energy, and the Sociology of Development

10:30am to 12:10pm. Environmental Policy

10:30am to 12:10pm. The Curse of Resources: Commodifying Development, Developing Commodities

2:30 to 4:10pm. Environmental Change and Inequality

4:30 to 6:10pm. Population and the Environment

4:30 to 6:10pm. Environmental Sociology Regular Session

Sun, August 11
12:30 to 2:10pm. Environmental Justice

2:30 to 4:10pm. Environmental Racism

2:30 to 4:10pm. Causes and Consequences of Housing Instability and Gentrification

Mon, August 12
8:30 to 10:10am. Innovations in Sociological Animal Studies

8:30 to 10:10am. Regular Session on Rural Sociology

8:30 to 10:10am. Sociology of Science: Facing the Epistemic Crisis

4:30 to 6:10pm. Frontline Communities and Struggles for Racial, Environmental, and Economic Justice

4:30 to 6:10pm. Development and Global Environmental Change: Challenges and Opportunities

4:30 to 6:10pm. Regulating Consumption, Regulating Consumers

4:30 to 6:10pm. Activism

Tues, August 13
8:30 to 10:10am. Puerto Rico and Climate Justice: Exploring the Intersections of Scholarship and Activism

12:30 to 2:10pm. Marx, Ecology, and Gender