Reshaping the Study of Sociology
Category: <span>Newsletter</span>

Fall 2019 Section Newsletter

The Fall 2019 issue of the Environmental Sociology Section Newsletter is now available for download (PDF). In this issue: A message from our new Section Chair, Jill Lindsey Harrison; several thoughtful feature articles from section members; calls for syllabi, abstracts, and literature on underrepresented areas in environmental sociology; a climate change module for introduction to sociology courses; recent publications; and other section and member news, including photos from the 2019 ASA meeting in New York. Lazarus Adua, the current newsletter editor, has said that this is about the richest issue (in terms of content) he has edited since taking on the position. You do not want to miss what is in it!

Summer 2019 Section Newsletter

The Summer 2019 issue of the Environmental Sociology Section Newsletter is now available for download (PDF). In this issue: An important message from the Section Chair, Kari Marie Norgaard; a feature essay, Colonialism, Fire Suppression, and Indigenous Resurgence; section news, including information on section award winners; section events at the ASA meeting at NYC; recent publications; and more.

Spring 2019 Section Newsletter

The Spring 2019 issue of the Environmental Sociology Section Newsletter is now available for download (PDF). In this issue: An important message from the Section Chair; information on extreme events research census and web map; global map of academic hazards and disaster research center; and a mini-conference on animals, ecology, and society. You will also find information about recent books, a special issue of the Journal of World-Systems Research, and recent journal articles and book chapters.

Winter 2019 Section Newsletter

The Winter 2019 issue of the Environmental Sociology Section Newsletter is now available for download (PDF). In this issue: A message and thoughts from the Section Chair on fostering inclusivity, a call for nominations, and recent publications. Under the transition section, you will also find information about Dr. Shannon Bell’s recent career move from University of Kentucky to Virginia Tech and several tributes to Dr. R Scott Frey, who passed away recently.

Fall 2018 Section Newsletter

The Fall 2018 issue of the Environmental Sociology Section Newsletter is now available for download (PDF). In this issue: An insightful reflection from the Section Chair on the 2018 ASA Meetings; a thought-provoking reflection on the “Bridging the Gap: Race and the Environment” Mini-Conference, authored by members of the Section Committee on Racial Equity; a call for ideas from the Chair of the Teaching and Outreach Committee; and publications. You will also find information about several section members receiving major grants and the retirement of Professor Emerita Sherry Cables, a longtime environmental sociologist.

Summer 2018 Section Newsletter

The Summer 2018 issue of the Environmental Sociology Section Newsletter is now available for download (PDF). In this issue: Important messages from the Section Chair and Chair-Elect; results of our recent elections; section awards; a mini-conference on race and the environment; call for submissions for a special issue of Sustainability; recent publications; and section news.

Spring 2018 Section Newsletter

The Spring 2018 issue of the Environmental Sociology Section Newsletter is now available for download (PDF). In this issue: A feature article addressing the renewed interest in uranium mining in the United States and a call to consider its toxic legacy; call for submissions for a mini-conference on environmental inequality; the 2018 Environmental Sociology ASA Mentorship program; special issues of Capitalism Nature Socialism and Environmental Sociology; and recent publications. You will also find information on members who recently won recognition for their work.

Winter 2018 Section Newsletter

The Winter 2018 issue of the Environmental Sociology Section Newsletter is now available for download (PDF). In this issue: A message from the Section Chair; a feature article reflecting on California’s largest wildfire, authored by Amanda McMillan Lequieu; information on a section-organized mini-conference on bridging the gap between environmental sociology and other subdisciplines; an important job opening at Washington State University; a request for information on grants and fellowships; a call for materials for a special issue of Societies; recent publications and member news; and more!

Fall 2017 Section Newsletter

The Fall 2017 issue of the Environmental Sociology Section Newsletter is now available for download (PDF). In this issue: A message from the Section Chair, including a call for nominations to fill upcoming vacant council positions; information about section name and leadership change; call to participate in a water resource meeting; call for environmental sociology-related syllabi; publications; news on the recent re-appointment of Dr. Thomas Dietz, a long-term section member, to the U.S. National Council Committee to Advise the Global Change Research Program; and more!

Summer 2017 Section Newsletter

The Summer 2017 issue of the Environment, Technology and Society Section Newsletter is now available for download (PDF). In this issue: A message from the Chair-Elect, Dr. Tammy L. Lewis, which addresses the upcoming Section sessions and meetings at the 2017 ASA Conference in Montreal, Canada; a feature essay by Dr. Alissa Cordner, which addresses scientists’ efforts to safeguard environmental data and protection in the Trump era; election results; member news; and more! Also included in this issue is information about recent publications that may be of interest to ETS members. Thanks for your patronage of this newsletter. Enjoy!