Reshaping the Study of Sociology
Year: <span>2017</span>

Fall 2017 Section Newsletter

The Fall 2017 issue of the Environmental Sociology Section Newsletter is now available for download (PDF). In this issue: A message from the Section Chair, including a call for nominations to fill upcoming vacant council positions; information about section name and leadership change; call to participate in a water resource meeting; call for environmental sociology-related syllabi; publications; news on the recent re-appointment of Dr. Thomas Dietz, a long-term section member, to the U.S. National Council Committee to Advise the Global Change Research Program; and more!

Summer 2017 Section Newsletter

The Summer 2017 issue of the Environment, Technology and Society Section Newsletter is now available for download (PDF). In this issue: A message from the Chair-Elect, Dr. Tammy L. Lewis, which addresses the upcoming Section sessions and meetings at the 2017 ASA Conference in Montreal, Canada; a feature essay by Dr. Alissa Cordner, which addresses scientists’ efforts to safeguard environmental data and protection in the Trump era; election results; member news; and more! Also included in this issue is information about recent publications that may be of interest to ETS members. Thanks for your patronage of this newsletter. Enjoy!

Statement of Professional Environmental Sociologists on Trump Nominations & Policies

Section members have created a “Statement of Professional Environmental Sociologists on Trump Nominations & Policies.” If you would like to view the statement, it can be found here. If you would like to be added to the list of signatures, please send your request via email to

Spring 2017 Section Newsletter

The Spring 2017 issue of the Environment, Technology and Society Section Newsletter is now available for download (PDF). In this issue: A feature article on the diversity of sociology and environmental sociology, authored by the ETS Committee on Racial Diversity; information on recent publications; the appointment of Dr. Thomas Dietz to a Canada-based expert panel on resource management; a note from the ETS Editor; a call for participants in the 2017 ASA ETS Mentorship Program; and more!  

Winter 2017 Section Newsletter

The Winter 2017 issue of the Environment, Technology and Society Section Newsletter is now available for download (PDF). In this issue: A message from the current ETS chair, Andrew Jorgenson, on the upcoming year, moving forward, and building solidarity; an essay by Alissa Cordner on staying up-to-date on the policy impacts of the next administration, as well as a review of initiatives and measures that were voted on by states this past election year; section news; recent publications; and more!