The Winter 2025 issue of the Environmental Sociology Section Newsletter is now available for download in PDF format. In this issue: A message from the Section Chair Raoul Liévanos on the current challenges and our updated Climate Change Teaching Resources; many important recent book and article publications; and two feature essays, “Race[ism], Health, and the Environment: On “Going to Work” and Doing Sociology in a Time of Crisis”, and “the “Every Disaster Is a Disability Disaster.”
Fall 2024 Newsletter
The Fall 2024 issue of the Environmental Sociology Section Newsletter is now available for download in PDF format. In this issue: A message from the Section Chair Raoul Liévanos; many important recent book and article publications; and a feature essay on “Commodification and Countermovements to China’s Entangled Food, Health, and Environmental Crises.”
In Memoriam: William R. Burch Jr., Frederick C. Hixon Professor Emeritus of Natural Resources Management
Dear Envirosoc Community Members,
It is with sadness that we note the recent passing of one of environmental sociology’s founding members, William Burch. An obituary documenting his life and legacy can be found here. For those who knew him, there is also a Virtual Tribute Wall where memories and photos can be posted.
Summer 2024 Newsletter
The Summer 2024 issue of the Environmental Sociology Section Newsletter is now available for download in PDF format. In this issue: A message from the publications committee chair, Michael Haedicke; two feature essays “Environmental Sociology Section Member Tom Dietz Elected to the National Academy of Sciences” and “Addressing the Elephant in the Room: Environmental Impacts of Universities”; many important recent book and article publications; several calls for contributions to special issues and conferences, and Envirosoc Section Awards and Election Results. Finally, thanks to Michael Haedicke for his hard work as the Publications Committee Chair!
Spring 2024 Newsletter
Attached, please find the spring issue of the Environmental Sociology section newsletter, with a message from the section chair and essays about the Prison Agriculture Lab at Colorado State University and the environmental justice issue of straight piping in Alabama. The newsletter also contains information about section members’ accomplishments and opportunities of interest.
Winter 2024 Newsletter
The Winter 2024 issue of the Environmental Sociology Section Newsletter is now available for download in PDF format. In this issue: A message from the publications committee chair, Michael Haedicke; many important recent book and article publications; calls for abstract submissions to conferences, a special issue of Valuation Studies, and an edited volume
addressing queer climate justice and information on the ASA Paper/Extended Abstract Call for Submissions for the ASA 2024 meeting in Montréal.
Environmental Sociology Section Award Nominations
Please see below for descriptions and nomination instructions for the four awards that our Section will grant this year, and consider nominating yourself or a colleague! Nominees do not need to be section members, but in accordance with ASA policies, award recipients must be current members of the American Sociological Association at the time the award is given. The same award will not be given to the same individual more than once.
The Environmental Sociology Outstanding Publication Award
This is given for publications of special noteworthiness in the field of environmental sociology. This year the committee will consider books published within the period January 1, 2021, through December 31, 2023. Self-nominations are welcome. To nominate a book, please email a nomination letter by March 15th, 2024 to Policy & Research Committee Chair, Nikhil Deb (
The Environmental Sociology Student Paper Award
The purpose of this award is to recognize an outstanding paper written by a graduate student or group of graduate students. All members of the Section and the ASA are encouraged to submit nominations; self-nominations are also welcome. In addition to recognition, recipients will receive a modest monetary award. Papers do not have to be published, accepted for publication or submitted to the ASA meeting to be considered. They must have been submitted to the ASA annual meeting and/or to a journal by a graduate student(s) between January 1st, 2023 and December 31st, 2023 in order to be considered. Papers co-authored with faculty are ineligible. To nominate a paper, please send a PDF copy of the paper along with a nomination letter that includes information about the paper’s status by March 15th, 2024 to Policy & Research Committee Chair, Nikhil Deb (
The Environmental Sociology Distinguished Contribution Award.
This award is given annually to recognize individuals for outstanding service, innovation, or publication in environmental sociology. It is intended to be an expression of appreciation, awarded when an individual is deemed extraordinarily meritorious by the Section. All members of the Section are encouraged to submit nominations; self-nominations are welcome. Nominations for this award must be received by April 15th, 2024. To nominate an individual for this award, please send a letter of nomination describing the nominee’s contribution to environmental sociology and/or the sociology of technology, accompanied by a copy of the nominee’s CV, to the chair of the award committee, Sandra Marquart-Pyatt, Past-Chair, ( Please put “Distinguished Contribution Award Nomination” in the subject line.
The Environmental Sociology Teaching and Mentorship Award
This award honors faculty members who demonstrate a notable dedication to teaching and mentorship, including through innovative pedagogy; actionable attention to diversity, equity, and inclusion; robust community-engaged approaches; and/or other elements of excellence in the teaching of environmental sociology and mentorship of students at the undergraduate and/or graduate level. All members of the Section are encouraged to submit nominations; self-nominations are welcome. The award is open to faculty of any rank, including tenure-track or contingent positions. Nomination packages should be scanned into a single PDF and submitted by email to Alan Rudy ( by April 15, 2024. Nomination packages should include: (1) Letter of Nomination, not to exceed 2 pages, (2) personal statement on teaching and mentorship philosophy, not to exceed 3 pages, (3) CV with the relevant components highlighted, such as teaching/mentoring awards and activities, publications or presentations co‐authored with students (underline the names of student co‐authors and indicate whether undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral student). Nominations will be vetted within two weeks and a selection of candidates will be asked to submit a comprehensive packet of additional materials including: (1) a maximum of 5 letters of student support (any mix of present or past students), (2) a maximum of 2 additional letters of support from colleagues who are not former students, (3) a maximum of 3 syllabi or other relevant material from the past 5 years, and (4) excerpts or summaries of teaching evaluations as desired.
Winter 2023 Newsletter
The Winter 2023 issue of the Environmental Sociology Section Newsletter is now available for download in PDF format. In this issue: A message from the publications committee chair, Michael Haedicke; two feature essays “From the Front Lines of CoP 27” and “Hazardous Energy Fueling the Pain of Rural Women in Pakistan”; many important recent book and article publications; and information on the ASA Paper/Extended Abstract Call for Submissions for the ASA 2024 meeting in Montréal.
Summer 2023 Newsletter
The Summer 2023 issue of the Environmental Sociology Section Newsletter is now available for download in PDF format. In this issue: A message from the publications committee chair, Michael Haedicke; two feature essays “Remembering Addie Levine” and “Risk and Greed in Brazil’s Northeastern Region”; many important recent book and article publications; and Environmental Sociology Section Award winners; and information on the Env soc section meeting at ASA. Congratulations to all of our esteemed award winners!
New Section Council Members:
Raoul S. Liévanos, University of Oregon
Membership Committee Chair
Jennifer Givens, Utah State University
Maricarmen Hernandez, Columbia University
Teaching, Training and Practice Committee Chair
Alan Rudy, Central Michigan University
Spring 2023 Newsletter
The Spring 2023 issue of the Environmental Sociology Section Newsletter is now available for download in PDF format. In this issue: A message from the publications committee chair, Michael Haedicke; three feature essays on “Rotten Apples: The Externalities of Urban Greening”, “The Impact of Extreme Weather Events on Food Service Workers in British Columbia”, and “Stony Brook University’s ‘Turbulent Times’ Colloquium”; many important recent book and article publications; several announcements and opportunities including the CONVERGE Positionality in Hazards and Disaster Research and Practice Training Module and Demonstration Webinar, University of Minnesota Institute on the Environment Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, and Society for Human Ecology International Conference Call for Submissions; and the 2023 Section on Environmental Sociology Call for Awards.