Welcome to our updated website with its new look and a new location on the American Sociological Association’s server. Since you’re already a Section member, you already know about who we are and what we do, but we’d like to call your attention to several new features of the site:
- First, there is more here for your students. We’ve included links to major sources of information about environmental issues, including links to various government agency web sites and to major journals in the field. To learn more, click on the “students” tab.
- Second, in the future we plan to offer a new section where members will be able to upload the abstract and a link to their published or unpublished papers. In addition to this, we are working on offering new resources for teaching environmental sociology, including a section where members can upload syllabi and other teaching materials.
- Also, section members have a “Statement of Professional Environmental Sociologists on Trump Nominations & Policies.” If you would like to view the statement, or become a signatory, that website can be found here.
Finally, don’t forget to renew your Section membership. Our ability to offer a wide range of sessions at the ASA and to finance our activities depends on your support.