The Section on Environmental Sociology presently has about 400 members. If you have interests in the sociology of environment and technology we’d like you to join us. Some benefits of membership:
- Members receive a copy of our outstanding quarterly newsletter, Environment, Technology, and Society, which contains extensive information about the sociology of environment and technology. This includes reviews of current literature and research reports, information about government policies concerning technology and the environment, announcements of meetings of interest, and discussions of relevant issues.
- Members participate in on-line discussion and information- sharing via an electronic mailing list.
- Members periodically receive special Section reports and publications.
- Members may present papers in the sessions on environmental sociology and the sociology of technology sponsored by the Section at ASA annual meetings.
- Members may be nominated for one of three annual awards: The Robert Boguslaw Award for Technology and Humanism, The Marvin E. Olson Graduate Student Paper Award, and the Distinguished Service Award.
- Through Section efforts, members can cooperate in seeking to influence ASA and governmental policies concerning environment and technology conditions and programs.
- By joining the Section, members become part of an interacting network of North American and other sociologists interested in environment and technology issues. Exchanges are especially encouraged between people in academic and nonacademic settings, and between sociologists and others working on environment and technology problems.
How can I join the Section?
If you are already an American Sociological Association member, you can login to the ASA website to join the Section and enjoy the benefits of membership today. Alternatively, you can check the box for the Section on Environment and Technology when you renew your ASA membership. Section dues are just $14 per year ($10 low-income and unemployed, $5.00 student).
If you do not belong to the ASA, a prerequisite for section membership, we invite you to join both it and our Section at the ASA website.