The Summer 2022 issue of the Environmental Sociology Section Newsletter is now available for download (PDF). In this issue: A message from the section chair, Norah MacKendrick; A welcome for new section council members (see below); The Environmental Sociology Section schedule for August’s ASA Conference; An announcement about an upcoming conference, Navigating Uncertain Futures: Social Engagement and Transformative Change in Global Socio-Ecological Systems; ASA Environmental Sociology Section Award Winners; An excellent feature essay by Lourdes Vera entitled “How Mentorship Can Challenge Legacies of Oppression in Academia”; and many important recent publications (both books and articles). New Section Council Members: Chair-Elect: Debra Davidson, University of AlbertaLegacy Chair: Scott Frickel, Brown UniversityCouncil Member-at-Large: Michael Warren Murphy, University of PittsburghNominations Committee Chair: Cameron T. Whitley, Western Washington UniversityPublications Committee Chair: Michael Haedicke, University of MainePolicy and Research Committee Chair: Nikhil Deb, Murray State UniversityDigital Communications Co-Chair (Webmaster): Michael Lengefeld, Bemidji State UniversityDigital Communications Co-Chair …